more pics of sev than you can shake a stick at.


Random pictures....

Just to keep you going for a while (yes, we haven't taken enough photos lately) here are the last two saved; I'm pretty sure Sevvie's covered in yogurt, and the mouse in the rose bush was Luna's prey. But, because the mouse is smarter than Adrian's cat, it scrambled into the bush and hid there until the dumb-ass cat forgot about it. If you look closely, you'll see the mouse's head bathed in kitty drool.

Now that's a story to tell the grand-mice.

Grayson and his soccer team had one weekend-long tournament in June; they kicked ass!

Here's the victorious team, after a great final game. In the entire tournament, Parkallen came in second ...

Here's to fledgling testosterone!

Father's Day!

(See? We're already into June ...)

For Father's Day we went to the Renyold's Museum in Westakiwin. They were having a motorcycle retrospective, which was really cool. And after, we had a picnic at the playground (I use that term loosely) there ...

Nice face Grayson.

Mutant flowers rock

This gorgeous daisy shot out of the dirt in the wheel barrow and the weird thing was, the dirt was only there for a day or so.

I swear. And disregard the grass growing too.

So we get a weekend away, sans kids (thank you, thank you, thank you Marc and Linda) and I take two pictures.



Anyway, introducing Mr. and Mrs. Brent Sperling.

And a cool mountain en route to Banff.

Earth Day, Earth Day ... yeah!! That's Charlene and Sasha, right before the newest Cox, darling Tessa, was born.

Spring in the park part deux (Can you tell Dad came straight to the park from work?)

An update

Well, I seem to have a moment or two, so thought I'd update you on the Wills/Frey/Evans clan:
Starting with oldest to youngest, Adrian is doing very very well at Telus, where he started in August. While he'd probably be rightly pissed at me for mentioned this on this Internet thingy-ma-bob, he got a very positive email the other night from a co-worker, thanking him for handling his support issues in a timely and professional manner. Everyone was very impressed, especially since this dude is in the upper management echelons! Way to go 80!!! Of course, he's in the middle of a week of 4pm-midnight shifts, so there's no rest for the weary.

Me, well, I'm doing well too; thanks for asking. I started a new position at Grant MacEwan College in October as Program Resource Administrator. I work with the program advisors (who are a seriously cool group) of the BA, BEd. and General Studies (kinda BA upgrading, but not really) programs. I am responsible for all the materials that go to prospective and current students; making sure they're all consistant, clear and ... well, factual. I'm not sure how I landed the job, honestly, as it's heavy into the admin, but I'm not going to let them know they hired the wrong person! Besides, by the time they figure it out, I'll have caught on.

G is doing well at school and is really enjoying Vimy Ridge. The class had an camping trip last month to a farm outside of Sherwood Park. It was outdoor survival and Grayson said something about his instructors saving he and his fellow campers being eaten by wolves. So I'm thinking his survival skills need some work. I was worried, though, because the day they left it pissed down rain. In fact, it rained the whole time (36 hours) they were gone. But the sun came out as they pulled back into the school parking lot ... what a bunch of soggy pups.

Sevvie is talking up a storm. His vocabulary now includes: Me, More ("Me More!!!!"), Uh-oh, Mess, Something that means Grayson, Da-Da, Ma-Ma, Woof-woof (although he whispers it), Milk, "I don't know" (I swear; and it's accompanied by a shrug; classic!), No, Yes (although it's a grunt), Ball, Bath, Bubbles (his new favorite thing.. a bubble bath!) , Num-num, Up ("Up Ma-ma!") ... quite the conversationalist, let me tell ya. We still have an appointment coming up for language assesment, but I suspect that at his two-year check-up (early December) the dr. will say everything's cool.

what else? Ah, he seems to inherited his mother's clumsiness. It's almost a daily ritual now to be presented with an "incident report" (that's what it's called) at daycare for some injury or another. He got bit by another kid the other day and that was quite impressive. And today, he had a nice, big red lump on his forehead. My favorite part? When the incident report said in the treatment spot: "Cold compress and a cuddle." Needless to say, the daycare rocks.

Sevvie also has been spending quality time with his good friends Maggie and Daisy, the daughters of our friends Lisa and Dan. Dan and I worked together at Venture and the girls turned two on October 25. They're a collective riot and love to come over and play. Although I think it's more for access to the cat, which is Maggie's favorite thing in the whole world.

So, in a nutshell, that's it. OH! The other super-cool thing is that our friend Sean started demo-ing our bathroom today (with the landlord's permission, of course). We're getting a new bathroom!!! Woohooo!

So here are some long awaited for pictures. I'll try and caption appropriately.

Love and kisses to you all. If we'll see you at Christmas, we can't wait. And if you're not planning on being around, what the hell's your problem? We're fun and did I mention? New bathroom ...


Ok, so let's see here. I think this one is from about June. A typical day at the park; you can practically hear him thinking, And why, exactly, am I on the ground??