more pics of sev than you can shake a stick at.



Well, after supper last night we went for a little drive to try and keep the boss occupied (teething and a time change; great combination!)

Anyway, we were driving down the road and he started complaining. I said to him, “honey, we’re going home soon; then we’ll have a bath!”

There was a long silence from the backseat, then “BATH!!” Clear as day!!

That is, in my opinion, Sev’s official first word.


To be fair, he has been calling Adrian "Blat" for the last couple of days ... everything is Bbbbb ....


I am soooo comfortable

Ah August ... back when it was sunny and warm

Sulky Sevvie

photo courtesy of John Travers!


who needs a plate anyway? Posted by Picasa

artful out-of-focus shot Posted by Picasa

yeah, there it is. Posted by Picasa

i gotta do something... Posted by Picasa

come here a minute... Posted by Picasa

we're drunk and we're coming to your house!! Posted by Picasa

coupla weirdos... Posted by Picasa

still very hungry Posted by Picasa

so hungry i'm eating the bowl Posted by Picasa

ubiquitous cute baby eating shot Posted by Picasa