more pics of sev than you can shake a stick at.


I'll have you know, making a mess is thirsty work!

I's juz chillin' .... whachos lookin' zat????

Daddy took this picture of a storm he and mum thought would wake me up ... nope.

Slept right through the whole thing. Until 5am, of course ... isn't that when everyone gets up???

As you all probably know, my dad has a pretty impressive t-shirt collection. (Mum won't let me help fold them ... but I get to chew on ... I mean fold ... socks!)

I'm starting my own collection, so please feel free to contribute. I collect all t-shirts that are from far off places. The first one for my collection was from the wilds of Illinois, thanks to Bonnie and Brent.

It's one of my favorites. It tastes great, especially when you rub just a little bit of cookie, then pour water onto the decal ... yummmm...

Sitting up and eating ... my skills and abilities have no bounds!

If, by the way, you haven't seen me in a while and want to get on my good side ... arrive with cookies. Cooooookkkkiiiieeeeesssss!

And pears. And cheerios. And corn. And yogurt. Apparently mum gave me some, but (sneaky) mixed it in with my fruit.


This is my Uncle Manny. I am irresitably drawn to him ...

I think it's either his hair or that ringing thing he's always talking to ...

Wanna get a little closer there, mum? You might be able to see up my nose!

I am a drooling machine!

No teeth yet though ... mum's very grateful for that. Did she mention that I've learned to pinch and pull hair? You should see what I can do with my dad's beard!

So much fun!

I know, I know... my eyelashes are to die for...

"I just love sitting up!" (This kid is such a ham; every time I pull out the camera he grins and poses. Good luck getting a candid!)

Feeding myself is a bit of a challenge, but I think I'm up to it. Mum seems to disagree, though ....

is that a cookie over there??!!!!!


Daddy's kitty thinks she's ferocious. We can't understand why she spends so much time in the tree, chewing on the leaves. Maybe she thinks she's a monkey? My mum says she (the kitty) looks like a lemur ... what's a lemur????


It's Sev's mum with an update

Isn't Sevvie helpful? If I wash his face, it's the end of the world. But, why should I, when he's obviously so capable? *sigh*

Hi there: It's taken me, what, seven months to figure this freakin' thing out!? Terrible.

In the meantime, I wanted to give everyone a little update on how the boss is doing developmentally. In the last month we decided that, based on his pediatrician's advice, we were going to 'sleep train' him, which essentially meant crying himself to sleep. We prepared ourselves (and the neighbours) and ... it was very anticlimactic. The wonderful little man only took two-three nights to resign himself to bed ... and, at 730pm!!! No longer do I need to pace up and down the street with a wailing baby at 10 or 11 at night.

AND, we get our bed back! I told Adrian that I wanted him to sleep with us for the first six months (which, Adrian being agreeable as he is, had no problem with), and that's what we got. Now, though, is a different story because he's rolling over. Rolling, and rolling and rolling.

Granted, he doesn't roll from one end of the house to the other like some babies, but he's certainly getting the hang of it. And, because he will NOT lay still, bedtime's become a bit of a chore. I though maybe he was trapping himself on his stomach, but no; he's just frastrated. So, he's back to crying for a few minutes every night. The world's a tough place little one; deal with it.

He's also sitting now; for about a minute at a time. Because the weather's been so nice, we've been sitting outside on a blanket in the evening, so he'd had lots of soft practice. The only other thing to report is that I notice today what appears to be a little white pimple on the top gum... I'll keep you posted and, if it's a tooth, you'll see pictures!

Take care all; more pix soonest.

cait et al.


mashed bananas are the best! Posted by Picasa

wearing way too many hats! Posted by Picasa

this might be the best photo ever. Posted by Picasa

mr. cool baby 2 Posted by Picasa

no more breakfast mom - i'm kinda bummed out Posted by Picasa

were you talking to me?? he must have just gotten up - that's his morning look. Posted by Picasa

is that the kitty over there? Posted by Picasa

mr. cool baby Posted by Picasa

hiding from breakfast. Posted by Picasa

asparagus yum! Posted by Picasa